Etihad Airbus A350-1000
Registrering: A6-XWC
Skala: 1:200
Produsent: Herpa
Materiale: Resin snap-fit
Lengde: 36,9 cm
Vingespenn: 32,4 cm
Støtte: Ja
Hjul: Nei
Herpas snap fit-modeller settes enkelt sammen uten bruk av lim.
Etihad Airbus A350-1000
Registration: A6-XWC
Scale: 1:200
Brand: Herpa
Material: High Quality Plastic Snap-Fit
Length: 36,9 cm
Wingspan: 32,4 cm
Display Stand: Yes
Landing Gear: No
Originally designed for inflight sales, the plastic push-fit models of the Herpa Snap-Fit series shine with an attractive finish and a great value for the money. Snap-Fit models are available in the scales 1:100, 1:200 to 1:250, include an elegant display stand, and can be assembled in no time without a drop of glue.