KLM Royal Dutch Airlines Boeing 737-300 Registrering: PH-BDD Anthony van Diemen "The world is just a click away" Skala: 1:200 Produsent: JC Wings Materiale: Metall Lengde: 16,7 cm Vingespenn: 14,5 cm Støtte: Ja Hjul: Ja
"The world is just a click away" var en kampanje KLM startet i 2004 for å få passasjerer til å bestille flyreiser på Internett. Slagordet ble del av fargeskjemaet på selskapet flåte, inkludert denne PH-BDD.
JC Wings har produsert flymodeller av høy kvalitet i metall siden 2005. Utstillingsmodellen er ikke beregnet for barn under 14 år.
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines Boeing 737-300 Registration: PH-BDD Anthony van Diemen "The world is just a click away" Scale: 1:200 Brand: JC Wings Material: Diecast Length: 16,7 cm Wingspan: 14,5 cm Display Stand: Yes Landing Gear: Yes
"The world is just a click away" was a campaign started by KLM in 2004 to get passengers to book flights online. The slogan became part of the livery on KLM's fleet, included this Boeing 737-300 PH-BDD.
JC Wings has manufactured high quality diecast models for collectors since 2005. The model is not suitable for children under 14 years.