Midway Airlines Douglas DC-9-31
Skala: 1:200
Produsent: Flight Miniatures
Materiale: Plast Snap-fit
Lengde: 18,2 cm
Vingespenn: 14,2 cm
Støtte: Ja
Hjul: Nei
Flyselskapet var aktivt fra 1979 til 1991 og hadde base på Midway International Airport i Chicago.
Snap fit-modeller settes enkelt sammen uten bruk av lim.
Midway Airlines Douglas DC-9-31
Scale: 1:200
Brand: Flight Miniatures
Material: Plastic Snap-Fit
Length: 18,2 cm
Wingspan: 14,2 cm
Display Stand: Yes
Landing Gear: No
The airline was active from 1979 until 1991 and was based on Midway International Airport in Chicago.
Flight Miniatures plastic snap-together models are easy to assemble. No decals, painting or gluing required. The markings are true to life and all the pieces fit snugly together. Every detail is accurate and color true. Models are printed, not decaled, and include plastic stand.