US Air Force McDonnell Douglas KC-10A Extender
Registrering: 85-0034
Skala: 1:500
Produsent: Herpa
Materiale: Metall
Lengde: 11,1 cm
Vingespenn: 10,1 cm
Støtte: Nei
Hjul: Ja
85-0034 ble levert i 1986, og deltok blant annet i Operation Desert Storm i 1991.
Herpa er den største tilbyderen av flymodeller i 1:500-skala. Modellene er ikke beregnet for barn under 14 år.
US Air Force McDonnell Douglas KC-10A Extender
Registration: 85-0034
Scale: 1:500
Brand: Herpa
Material: Diecast
Length: 11,1 cm
Wingspan: 10,1 cm
Display Stand: No
Landing Gear: Yes
Delivered in February 1986, this KC-10 tanker was deployed to the Middle East five years later during Operation Desert Storm to liberate Kuwait. Special nose art depicting a chained alligator was applied below the cockpit on the left side. Since alligators abound in the swamps of Louisiana, the crew jokingly assigned this animal the role of yard dog for the state. She is the first KC-10 in the 1:500 scale to sport the “Shamu” camouflage scheme, named for the famous Orca, that performed in shows at Sea World in the United States for several years.
Herpa is the largest provider of 1:500 diecast models and is also known for the best quality in this scale. These smaller models provide opportunities for collectors to gather a large collection without the need of much space, and there are also accessories available for those that wish to set up their own airport diorama with buildings and equipment. These models are not suitable for children below 14 years of age.